The past couple of decades have seen tremendous advancements in the technology, knowledge, and acceptance of osseointegrated dental implants as a preferred method of replacing missing or destroyed human tooth or a number of teeth. This global phenomenon have helped restore beautiful natural smile and full function to many who were previously unable to enjoy this fascinating modality of modern dental reconstructive procedures.
Starting in the Fall of 2019 West Coast Dental Implant Study Club™ has become an affiliate member of the Seattle Study Club. Together, we become a group of dental clinicians, both generalists and clinical specialists, dental hygienists, and laboratory technicians, who share amongst many things, the common desire to study, understand, and provide art of delivering optimal clinical care in this field of fast and ever changing dental implantology. The study club was formed in 2011, and is open to all dental professionals with strong interests in the study of dental implants and its practical applications.
The study club is led by Dr. Jin Y. Kim, a practicing board-certified periodontist, and clinical faculty member at UCLA School of Dentistry. The study club has a number of clinical advisors – usually experts in various aspects of clinical dentistry – who collectively oversee the educational programs, and assist in complex interdisciplinary case diagnosis and planning for participants at each of the study club meetings. Meetings will be held monthly September through May.